84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

Yesterday I spent about 12 hours at my friend Kristen's house making a pumpkin cheesecake (yes, it was delicious- thank you for asking), so in our down time I read 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff. Kristen gave me a brief synopsis before I read it and I was a bit unsure that I'd find interest in it, but it was actually very incredibly charming and easy to read through.

The book is a series of back and forth letters between Helene and her favorite British book store. It starts off as a business relationship, her sending off for antique books she can't find in the US, but it transforms into something much more personal. It's not an in-love story, but I would definitely consider it a story of love and caring. It's very sweet, and *spoiler alert* a tear-jerker.

Since the book is short and simple, I won't ramble on about it more than this. However, I would recommend it to anyone who has an hour or two on their hands for a quick and lovable read!


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