Maybe I'm biased towards enjoying stories that are based in rural or farm towns since I grew up in one myself, but I felt that there was a lot to connect to even from the immediate beginning. I think it could be enjoyed no matter what your background is, because it's so well-composed and unfolds in such a great way. It starts off with the story of Lester, an imaginative little boy who is trying to figure out life and where he belongs, and as the series goes on you get to learn how his past and present intertwines with the lives of other folks in Essex county.
The artwork really fit well to the setting and style of the story, as well as the character's personalities. They were each illustrated so perfectly. Some panels are more scratchy looking than others, but it all fits together as a whole; the feel of it matches the look of it.
I don't often want to purchase every graphic novel I read (I would have a stupidly large collection) but this one is definitely going on my to-own list. I would be happy to read it over again, and it's possible to do in a quick manner because there are more graphics than text. Anyway, I loved this one and I think everyone should read it.